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Megan Nugent, LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Hi there!
My name is Megan (she/her) and I am pleased that you are here. I feel it is important for you to know that first and foremost, I am a human. I am a friend, a sister, a daughter, a partner, a coworker, and even at times a client myself. I am a person with interests and a life and relationships.
Might seem obvious, right?
I include this because I know therapy can feel intimidating. Media almost always portrays therapists as snubbed nosed, know it-all, boundary crossing, weirdos. I want you to know that I am a person just like you. I am not here to judge or criticize you for being exactly who you are in this moment (no matter what, I mean that). Quite the contrary, I hope to validate and support you, allow you to feel heard, and when you are ready gently challenge you in a way that feels safe and okay for you.
I want you to know that I am also a person who has struggled, who has experienced hurt and who has had self-doubt, anxiety, and loss. And then I am a person who has faced such suffering. Through my own work (which will look different than yours) I moved towards my tough stuff so I could understand it, heal it, and transform it. Having had my own experience with this is how I know that the same can be done for you.
For those who my credentials are important, here it is: I have been practicing within the mental health field for 13 years. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Certified Child Centered Play Therapist, and an IFS-Informed Therapist. Though I now choose to only work with adults, my previous experience with children taught me a lot about patience, resilience, going with the flow, and meeting people where they are at. I use this knowledge daily in my work with adults (and their own inner children!).
My previous employment includes working in community mental health centers for several years, in both therapist and supervisory roles, serving as Clinical Director in an eating disorder program, and working in college counseling. Ultimately, I chose to enter the private practice sector so I could have the freedom and flexibility to focus solely on my favorite aspect of the work that I do: guiding people towards wholeness.
M.S. Mental Health Counseling, May 2013
B.A. in Psychology, May 2011
B.A. in Public Justice, December 2010
Recent Trainings*
Certificate in Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies with Linda Thai (18 hours)
Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery Levels 1, 2 & 3 with Arielle Schwartz (30 hours)
Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST) Levels 1 & 2 with Janina Fisher (45 hours)
IFS/Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Unite: Fundamental Experiential Training Retreat with Phil Wolfson and Richard Schwartz (30 hour retreat)
Polyvagal Theory in Action: Creating Safety & Connection with Trauma Clients (2 Day Workshop)
Master Class: Healing Complex Trauma with Trauma Informed IFS (36 hours)
Grief Movement Training (6 week course)
David Kessler: Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk on How the Body Keeps the Score: Intensive Trauma Treatment Course
*Additional trainings I have taken related specifically to IFS can be found on the "IFS Therapy" page
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